Tuesday 20 November 2012

Research and planning-genre research-thriller film magazines

In order to create some drafts for my film magazine I decided to look at different existing magazine covers to get inspiration for my own. These are the covers I found and would like to take bit off to use in my own magazine cover. 

This thriller film cover uses the grey, black and blue which are the three colours in my colour scheme and so I will be using similar colours to the magazine above. 

From this cover I like the "Plus..." feature and will use this as a small cover line on my cover.

This cover is a typical thriller cover and there is lots about this cover I could incorporate into my own. The colour represents thrillers and gives the cover a bit of edge. Also I think the image used on the cover instantly tells us its a thriller film and I would like to use a similar image to this for my film magazine cover.

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