Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Research and planning-genre post-Mise-en-scene used in thriller/action films

For the film trailer I am in charge of Mise-en-scene and so I decided to do some research about what kind of Mise-en-scene is typically seen in thriller/action films.

I found that they use quite a lot of weapons for different scenes throughout. However I don't think that we could do this in our trailer because it would be hard to get our hands on weapons like guns and knifes and use them convincingly. 

Also there is little or no makeup use in thriller/action films and so we wont be using any makeup in our film trailer. 

Quite a lot of trailers for action/thriller films have a blue tinge on them and I think this would be quite a good idea for our trailer.

The costumes normally used in thriller/action films in casual clothing and nothing too eccentric and so we will be also using casual normal clothes for the actors in our trailer.

Also there is not much high key lighting in most thriller trailers I've seen and so we will be keeping high key lighting in our trailer to a minimum in order to fit in with conventions.

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