Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Research and planning-extra ideas post- inspiration from Safe House (2012)

Whilst looking for some more ideas for the Mise-en-scene and Cinematography to be used in our thriller trailer I came across Safe House (2012) directed by Daniel Espinosa. In this film much of the disruption and action scenes are filmed on hand held camera which I think adds to the realism of the film and makes us the audience feel more involved in the narrative. This is a technique I want to incorporate into my film trailer aswell.

Although this film is not a thriller film (like the trailer we will be making) it still has many elements similar to what we want in our trailer because there is similar Mise-en-scene and Cinematography used throughout both the action and thriller genres of film.

Also in this trailer a blue tinge is used to film nearly all of Ryan Reynold's character shots and there are lots of close-ups on his face throughout as this is a feature that me and my partner Nyle plan to use when we create our own film trailer. Ryan reynolds is mostly shot with half of his face in the light and the other half in the dark and this implies that he has two sides to his character. A good side and a bad side. This is much like the main character in our film and so I want to use a technique similar to this when filming shots of our main character.

As well as this I think the fast cutting and the use of sound contributes a lot to this film and I like the way the sound is used throughout. There is loud fast sounds during peaks and then slow gentle music during the troughs of the film. Also most of the tension built up in this film in done through the use of the non-diegetic sound.

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