Friday 7 December 2012

Research and planning-Extra genre research - Memento (2000)

After completing the first rough cut of our trailer I wanted to get more ideas and inspiration for the content of our trailer. The film Memento (2000) directed by Christopher Nolan has a similar plot outline to what we decided to do and so our tutor recommended that we watch the film trailer for this film to see what it is like and in particular what the flashbacks in this trailer consist of.

I find this trailer particularly interesting and it suits very well with the narrative for our trailer. This first flashback shown is a jar falling to the ground and smashing and this has something to do with the main characters wife's death. I very much like this idea and may incorporate something similar to this into our trailer.

Also the non diegetic sound used in this trailer is effective and added lots of tension and suspense which is another thing that we need in our trailer.

As well as this flashbacks used in this trailer are black and white just like the flashbacks used in our trailer. Also we could possible add a grainy effect to them so they look like older memories.

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