Friday 1 February 2013

Research and planning-other images I took for my magazine and poster and the reasons i chose not to use them

Here are some pictures and the reasons why I didn't include them in my film poster and film magazine.

I took this picture for use on my magazine cover but I found that the shot type (medium close up) wasn't really suitable but I do like the facial expression.

I tool this image for my poster but found that it was too far away from him and I don't like the red on the left

I like this image for my magazine cover because the facial expression is what I was looking for but didn't use because the shot was too short.

I took this image for the poster but later found it didn't really fit my genre of thriller

I took this picture similar to the one above and was going to use it on my poster but found that it wasn't very clear and the angle doesn't work very well.

 I took this image for my poster to use faded a little on the edges on the poster but when creating the poster I didn't use at it wouldn't have created the effect I originally wanted.
 I also took this image for my poster but found it didn't create the effect I wanted
 I took this image for my magazine but found that the shot type didn't really fit my magazine
 I took this image for my magazine but then decided the image background didn't fit the colour scheme of my magazine.
 I took this image for the poster as I  wanted to try an extreme close up but found that a close up that showed the top of his head worked better
 I took this image to be used as a background on my poster but found the colour didn't match my colour scheme and so I didn't use it on the poster
I was going to use this on the poster but found that its too faint to stand out against the other objects on the poster and so didn't use it in the end.

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