Friday, 15 February 2013

Research and planning-: film poster, film magazine and film trailer

This is all of my work so far

Film poster

Film magazine
Film trailer

Research and planning- edit log for film trailer

Research and planning-last minute changes to script for film trailer

Me and partner Nyle have decided to add a voiceover to our trailer from the main character's point of view instead of having so many titles during the trailer. Today we worked together to come up with a longer script for the main character to say during the trailer. This is the script we came up with:

My name is Dan. I don't remember what happened last.

Erm..I opened my eyes and now suddenly am here. I don't know who to trust. Should I trust you, him or even myself?

Maybe its best to trust no one.

How can I carry on living like this? Continually questioning everything that happened or didn't happen.

Was it real or was I dreaming?

Maybe my whole life is a dream.

Why can't I just go back,... back to the very beginning.

My name is Dan. I don't remember what happened last.

Have I already told you this before?

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Research and planning- my complete film magazine and film poster

My film magazine cover

My film poster

Research and planning- creating the REC effect on photoshop

Whilst editing the trailer we decided to use a camera REC effect where it looks like the shot is taken from a live recording using a video camera. In order to do this we used Adobe Photoshop to create the video recording camera frame. This is what it looks like.

 We now plan to use this image in imovie to put on top of the video diary shot to create the video camera effect we wanted.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Research and planning-update on trailer filming

Today our main actor Dan felt a lot better and so we were able to do the filming for the rest of our trailer which went quite well. My partner Nyle now plans to edit later today or tomorrow.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Research and planning-update on actor

Our main actor Dan is finally feeling better now and was in college today. Me and my partner Nyle have agreed with him to do the rest of our filming with him tomorrow morning.

Research and planning - my film magazine and poster after I did all my corrections and chnages to them based on all the feedback I recieved

Research and planning-working on my film poster

This is my film poster after doing the changes needed based on my audience feedback.

I have changed my tagline colour to white instead of red as it makes it stand out a little more as one of my audience member said that the previous red colour was lost in the background. Also I changed the font used for my release date as it looked a little sci-fi and so now I changed the font so its looks thriller instead.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Research and planning- soclal network feedback on my film poster and magazine cover

I asked my audience for feedback on my magazine and poster and this is what they said:
From this feedback I know to improve my work I need to:

  • change the 'Feburary 18th'  font to something that looks a little more thriller instead of sci-fi
  • change poster tagline colour to white instead of red to make it easier to read and make it bigger

Friday, 8 February 2013

Research and planning-working on my film magazine

Today I did some finishing touches to my film magazine. This is what it now looks like.

I added a gradient event on the background image to make my masthead stand out more. Also I added a coverline to the top of my magazine as there was a little white space there and moved my issue number and date down to the bottom of the page near the barcode.

Research and planning-ishow u video showing me doing some final touches to my work

This is an ishow U video showing me doing some final touches to my Media coursework based on the feedback I have got. This is me doing some work on blogger and on my film poster.

Research and planning-working on my film poster

Today I used the feedback I got and did some final touches to my poster. I increased the brighten on my main  photo of Dan to make him stand out more. Also I added some more inner glow effect to my film title and improved the shadow effect used on Dan's face

Research and planning-plan for the week

This week me and my partner Nyle:

  • plan to finish the filming for our trailer
  • I need to do my finishing touches on my magazine and poster based on the feedback recieved
  • upload edited footage of our trailer
  • Get some more facebook feedback 
  • Do an Ishowu video showing me doing final touches on my magazine and poster

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Research and planning-working more on my film poster

I have made some changes including making the shadow a little lighter and adding a age certificate to the poster.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Research and planning-update on main actor

Me and my partner Nyle planned to do the rest of our filming at some point last week or on Monday this week. Unfortunately our main actor Dan is still ill and not in college so we weren't able to finish our filming yet. We hope to get it done for the end of this week depending on whether Dan gets well or not.