Thursday 31 January 2013

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Research and planning-audience feedback to film trailer, poster and magazine cover

From this feedback I know that we need to:

  • Change the colour for my main photo of dan on my poster so it is more blue and fits the background better
  • Make my poster look less horror and more clearly of the thriller genre-use law abiding citizen ideas for poster.
  • Make text on the poster/magazine clearer
  • Maybe make the poster a little less blue-make genre clearer
  • Film more and make the trailer longer -add more dialogue and sound

Research and planning-my poster and magazine so far

This is my poster and magazine so far

Saturday 26 January 2013

Research and planning- sound research for the film trailer

Today I did some research about the different sounds that could go into a thriller trailer. These sounds include crashs, high pitch sounds, knocking, tension stings, explosions, drum beats, voiceovers, sound effects and music. Some of these sounds can easily be recreated and I have been using some household items to create some sounds and do some experimenting.

I found that if you put a little water into a wine glass and rubs the top of the glass you can some high pitch sounds which are often seen in film trailers.


Next I got a tall coke cola glass, added water and tried the same thing. By doing this I managed to create a little deeper sound. 

Next I used a slimmer tall glass and did the same but found out that this did not work as well. 

Next I got a coffee mug, tried the same thing but again it didn't work as well as the wine glass did. 

Next I got an empty plastic yoghurt tub and hit it against the desk a few times and found that this created a knocking sound that could be used to add tension to a film trailer

After this I tried some other objects and gently banged them on the desk to see what sound they made. Both a bottle top and the top of a bottle made a similar sound to the yoghurt tub. 

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Research and planning-audience feedback on my poster and magazine so far

From this audience feedback I know that I could:

  • move the title on the poster and magazine lower and more to the right
  • use drop shadow on the main writing to give it more impact
  • could incorporate bit of red into the magazine (like on poster)
  • make masthead stand out more-increase opacity
  • be careful of bleed area around the edges of the magazine
  • duplicate and play around with the opacity of the magazine image-fade it a little maybe

Friday 18 January 2013

Research and planning-working on my film poster

This is my film poster so far. I have added most of the text now. Next I need to work on adding a background and some images and then reposition the title and slogan and move them more to the right of the page.

Research and planning-working on my film magazine

This is the next stage of my film magazine. So far I have put on nearly all  my text. Next I know need to put on images and add effects to these images so they fit the colour scheme for my magazine.

Research and planning-second stage of unedited footage from filming this week

This is our second stage of unedited footage

Research and planning-actor release forms for poster, trailer and magazine

Thursday 17 January 2013

Research and planning-working on my film magazine

This is my magazine so far. I did some more work on it today and learned how to use some more tools such as the inner/outer glow tool which helps text stand out on the page a little more.

I know need to finish writing my coverlines and add images to the magazine

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Research and planning-working on film poster

Today I did some more work on my film poster. I added the new font for the release date as researched on a post below and started to create the details in a steel tongs font that are to be used near the bottom of the poster.

I now need to resize the steel tongs font as it is a little to big at the moment as you can see above. After this is will re position my film title and company logos.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Research and planning-details to be included in the poster

When creating the film poster I needed to write up details in a steel tongs font but wasn't sure which exact details were to be included for this and so I went online and found the film details part of an existing film poster.

Whilst creating my own film poster I will be using the steel tongs details from the image below


Research and planning-working on film magazine

Today I started work on my film magazine. This is what I have done so far:

Monday 14 January 2013

Research and planning-sets and camera angles used for filming

For the trailer we used a few different sets and camera angles. Here are some photos of the different camera set ups, angles and the sets that we used when filming the trailer for our thriller film Some body.

Bathroom set

 Bedroom set

Another bedroom set

Research and planning-font research for poster

As you can see from my poster below the font used for my release date and film title is the same and so I need to find another suitable font to be used for the release date that suits my film genre of thriller.

In order to do this I looked again on da font for more suitable fonts and found these:

From these fonts I have decided to use the following font for the release date on my poster as I think it bests fits the conventions of my genre and suits with the rest of the poster.

Friday 11 January 2013

Research and planning-working on my film poster

Today in class I started to make my film poster on Adobe Photoshop. This is what I have done so far.