Wednesday 31 October 2012

Friday 26 October 2012

Research and planning-meeting post

Today my partner is not in and so I have been doing some tasks that I can do independently such as my equipment and software list

During half term I plan to complete my production schedule. Also I will do some research on existing Distribution company logos to get some ideas for mine and do some extra research posts that are relevant and will help with my film trailer. I am going to travel around a bit to find a suitable location for the street and alleyway featured in the trailer. I may also think of ideas for film names and put some ideas up on Blogger.

Research and planning-Animated storyboard

Research and planning-images for animatic storyboard

Research and planning-more research for name ideas

I still needed more ideas for potential names of the trailer and so I searched online for existing thriller film titles and found this page on IMDB.

Titles I like on this page include:

Nick of time
As good as dead
House of 9
Fatal attraction
Domestic Disturbance
Primal fear

Research and Planning-meeting post-name ideas for film trailer


Research and planning-Production Schedule

Research and planning-Equipment and software list

Mac computer


Final cut pro

Sony HD camcorder


SLR camera

Mini DV

Adobe Photoshop


Canon Camcorder


Research and planning- props and costume list for teaser trailer

white or light coloured casual clothing-for use near the beginning where he still thinks he is innocent.Chose this because light colours such as white connote pure and good an the main male character is supposed to be good and innocent in the beginning.

Also chose casual clothing  because it shows he just another ordinary normal guy

casual shoes like converse or sneakers for the main male character

need a few extra sets of casual clothing for the passers by, other victims and for the main guys friends who help trigger some of his memories.

going to also need some fake blood or ketchup so create blood for the killing scenes and to put on the victims to make it realistic.

pyjamas-at the beginning when he wakes up

toothbrush, toothpaste-prop for the bathroom near the beginning of the trailer

darker or black coloured clothes for later on when we think he is a murder-chose dark colours here as colours such as black connote evil, bad and death and this fits in with the character supposedly being bad at this point in the film trailer

laptop/computer-for researching symptoms

lots of pictures/photos of victims

newspaper clipping-to trigger memories of the killings


We will be filming in Manchester, Hyde and Ashton and so we will have to pay around £5 bus fare each time we go to another place. 

 Light coloured clothing and dark coloured clothing -use 2 set of clothes that belongs to the cast member.

Converse -we can use mine or the cast members if they have some

fake blood- around £2-£3

pyjamas- use ones belonging to cast member or go out and buy a cheap pair

toothbrush and toothpaste-already have at home

Research and planning-production company logo

This is the production company logo that will be used for our trailer

Research and planning-Distribution company logo

This is my Distribution company logo for the trailer. I created it using Adobe Photoshop.

Research and Planning-mock up of distribution company logo-done using Paint

Research and planning-distribution company logo research and ideas

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Research and planning-Treatment

  • mpaa rating screen for 5 seconds
  • fade to black
  • establishing shot of the street
  • flash to white-1 second
  • long shot of dark room where the man wakes up
  • flash to white-1 second
  • long shot of him getting out of bed
  • fade to black-1 second
  • title-3 seconds
  • close up of him in bathroom washing his face- shot taken from the mirror-3 seconds
  • over the shoulder shot of him turning around seeing the dead body on the floor-4 seconds
  • long shot of him backing into the corner of the bathroom-looks scared-4 seconds
  • all the above is on handheld camera apart from establishing shot
  • fade to black-1 second
  • production company logo-3 seconds
  • high angle long shot of man walking down street (at night)-3 seconds-stand out. Shows he's the main person
  • flash to white
  • title-3 seconds
  • cut scenes of some other character talking to him-saying stuff like "don't you know what you did?"
  • flash to black-1 second
  • flashback showing the man killing someone- black and white- 6 seconds
  • shaky camera-behind man showing him running-sound of police siren-implies he is running from the police-chase scene 5 seconds
  • close up of him hiding in a alley - head in hands-2 seconds
  • fade to black-1 second
  • title -3 seconds
  • flash to white-1 second
  • back to conversation with other character-4 seconds
  • flash to white- 1 second
  • shot showing the man panicking and research the forgetting his past symptoms online to find out what is wrong with him-5 seconds
  • looks for something in his desk draw and finds lots of pictures of his victims that doesn't remember putting there-6 seconds
  • (films himself confessing to the crimes and says he doesnt deserve to live)
  • stands up at the end
  • fade to black
  • film release date and title

Research and planning-extra research for plotline

In order to make our trailer more realistic and give a reason as to why the character in our film forgot that he kills people me and my partner did some research and found out a mental condition that could possibly explain it. This is a screenshot of what we found:
The disorder we found information about is called Border personality disorder

Research and planning-Presentation of proposals

We presented both of our proposals to the teacher to get feedback and according to the teacher the second proposal idea was better and so we are going to use this one from this point forward.

Friday 12 October 2012

Research and planning-proposals

Plot 1: Three friends have a dream on the same night, where they see a man killing them. It is the same man in all of their dreams. The next day when the kids go into school they tell each other about their dreams. The man in their dreams then appears as their new school teacher.

  • high angle on the students show vulnerability
  • low angle on the teacher 
  • pan in classroom showing student and teacher
  • close up of students face during tense moments
  • canted angle during the chase
  • forest
  • road
  • classroom
  • books, pens, desks
  • natural makeup-girls
  • casual clothing
  • natural lighting-classroom
  • low key lighting in forest and chase sequence
  • weapon
  •  screaming
  • tense beat
  • a sting to scare audience
  • sound bridge of humming
  • diegetic sounds-other students walking around
  • tick tock sound like clock counting down throughout trailer-builds suspense
  • slow mo for drama
  • flashes to show flashbacks or coming out of dreams
  • fast editing
  • black out at the end
  • fades-shows losing consciousness 
Plot 2: A man or woman forgets everything they know about their life. They soon find clues that reveal that they are a serial killer. and objects on the floor trigger flashbacks of previous crimes and murders. but is he really the serial killer or is he being set up?

  • High angle on the man when he doesn't know about the killing and then low angle on the man when he finds out to show the change in power
  • over the shoulder showing the body from the man's point of view
  • close ups on the objects in the bedroom on the streets- or see an alleyway
  • POV of alleyway
  • long shot of him looking at alleyway
  • medium shot of him waking up in bedroom at the beginning of the trailer
Mise-en scene
  • locations-street, bedroom, alleyway, bathroom
  • props-newspaper articles, the TV, photos
  • grown up casual clothing
  • man-dark clothing-evil
  • high key normal lighting in the bedroom and before he remembers
  • then low key lighting in the flashbacks when he remembers
  • tense rhythm(maybe slow)
  • fast beat music when he realises what he did
  • echo speech/sounds in flashbacks-shows distortion 
  • whispers
  • normal diegetic sounds from people passing by
  • diegetic screaming- from flashbacks of murders - in his head
  • slow motion into past tense
  • fast editing when doing the murders
  • white flashes before every falshback
  • fade to black when he wakes up
  • jump cuts when moving around the room-shows confusion

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Research and planning- garageband sound test

This is my Garageband sound test

Research and planning-london trip-BBFC

Also whilst in London we visited the BFI library as it the biggest film library in the world. As well as this we went to the BBFC headquarters and sat in a lecturer where one of the employees from the BBFC told us about the work they do and how and why they regulate films for the consumers and audiences.

She showed us some clips of films that were either banned or had to be cut before they were given a BBFC. An example of this was the beginning of The Simpsons movie.

Then after this the lecturer went on to talk about how the BBFC used to regulate video games before PEGI began doing video games. The BBFC would play any video game they were regulating in its entirety from beginning to end before giving a certificate which seems like a logical way to do it. However PEGI don't do this. Instead they just play specific scenes and levels and not the whole game.

Research and planning- My trip to London

Last week our class took a trip to London and stayed there for 2 nights. During this time we visited the London Film Museum and saw how the film industry has changed over the last decade both in the UK and America. Also we saw some work by famous film stars such as Charlie Chaplin. As well as this we got the chance to see many originals props that were used in famous films such as Ali G and Superman. I have uploaded the pictures taken in the London Film Museum on the blog post below this one